Creation VHS Effects
Creation VHS Effects for After Effects is a collection of authentic-looking effects for making your footage look like a damaged VHS tape or analog TV signal. This popular template comes with eleven, retro VHS-look presets, ranging from subtle VHS looks to totally unwatchable garbage! Just drop in your footage and they're ready to export.
Or... build your own custom VHS look using over 110 customizable effects, comprised of video distortion, analog TV static overlays, signal interference sound effects, audio distortion filters, and transition effects for editing. Effects can be customized with intuitive controls to get that perfect retro aesthetic. So embrace the 80s / 90s nostalgia trend, and start ruining that beautiful HD footage of yours!
- 10/10/2024 - Creation VHS Effects has been updated and upgraded! The current version is compatible with Adobe After Effects, versions 17 (2020) and above. The original version of the template is compatible with CS3 and CS4, and is available on request.
- Works in both Windows and Mac OS. All you need is After Effects. No plugins required.
- Effects are customized with slider controls, so it's easy to adjust the level of tape damage. A single "Intensity" control affects the strength of all effects together.
- Your download includes both a 4K and HD version of the project.
- Creation VHS Effects has been universalized, meaning it will work with After Effects running in any language.
- Detailed instructions are found in the video tutorial, and inside the template.
- Music and footage placeholders in the preview videos are not included.
The Creation VHS Effects template is not a plugin. It's an Adobe After Effects project file, commonly known as a "template" because the work is already done and the user needs only to insert their footage and make their own adjustments. This template is compatible with version 17 (2020) as well as all later versions of After Effects (older versions available on request).
The Creation VHS Effects template contains copyrighted intellectual property. The sharing or online posting of project files with or for anyone other than a client is prohibited. See the Terms and Conditions for more details.
Positive and/or negative feedback is appreciated. Use the contact page to send me a message.