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Frequently Asked Questions
My download link isn't working or the link has expired...Sorry about that. Send me a message and I'll get you squared away ASAP.
How can I get an invoice/receipt for my purchase with my company's information?Send me a message with your company's info, and your transaction ID, and I'll email you an invoice.
Why am I getting "missing files" errors and seeing rainbow-colored squares in After Effects?The files are there, but After Effects has lost the link to their location on your hard drive. 90% of the time, it has to do with how the downloaded .zip file was opened. If you're a Windows user, be sure to right-click the .zip file, and choose the "Extract All" option. If that doesn't work, search for the missing files in After Effects by typing "missing" in the search field of the Project panel. If you reconnect one missing file, the rest should reconnect automatically. Reconnect a file by right-clicking it, choose "Replace Footage", then "File". Locate the file in the "(Footage)" folder in your download, and click "Open".
Are these templates compatible with both Mac and PC?Yes, all products on this site will work on both Macs and PCs. You just need Adobe After Effects. At the top of each product's web page, it will state the earliest version of After Effects that is required to open the template.
I just downloaded the file... now how do I install it?Since it's a template and not a plug-in, you won't need to install anything. First, you will need to access the contents of the .zip file. Mac users can double-click the file. PC users should right-click the .zip file and choose the "Extract All" option. Locate the .aep project file inside and open it in Adobe After Effects.
My computer crashed or I lost the file. Can you send me another one?Yep! Just send me a message and tell me what you need. Please use the email address you used to make the original purchase, or provide the Transaction ID, so I can look up your purchase.
The template is running slow. How can I speed it up?Check out the Render Tips page.
How do I make my animation longer?Some customers find that the default durations of the animations are not long enough. To make your comp run longer than the default duration, start by opening your main comp (the comp you will end up rendering). Go to the "Composition" menu at the top, then choose "Composition Settings", and enter a new duration. Select all the layers in your comp together, then click and drag on the right edge of one of the layers to extend them all to the end of the comp. If a layer doesn't extend, it's a precomp layer. Double-click the precomp layer to open the precomp, and then repeat the steps of extending the comp's duration and the duration of the layers inside it. When all the precomps and their layers are extended, go back to your main comp and extend the precomp layers to the end of the comp.
Will these effect work with Premiere, FCP, iMovie, Vegas, Motion, DaVinci Resolve, or other software?Not at all. The effects are for After Effects only. If you don't have Adobe After Effects, it's easy to get with Adobe's Creative Cloud subscription program. You can subscribe for about $30 a month, and cancel at any time.
What does my license permit? Can I post my animation on social media?You can use your animation however you choose, since you will own the full rights to whatever animation you create with the template, provided you have adjusted the customization controls to create something unique. Even if you export an effect with the default settings, you may still use the clip however you like, but keep in mind that others will probably be using that same animation.

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