Custom 3D Storybook
The Custom 3D Book template allows you to create a beautiful and unique book animation in Adobe After Effects. It features a realistic, high-resolution 3D book which you can control and customize with your own content. To help you get started, there are three formats to choose from - A Fairy Tale Storybook, a Wedding Photo Album, and a Bible. Each version includes a different library of artwork and design elements to help you create unique and attractive page designs. And with multiple 3D scenes and camera movements to choose from, you can display your custom book in an environment appropriate for your story.
Realistic books are notoriously difficult to create in After Effects. With this effect, the shifting and bending of the paper is all pre-programmed and automatic when you turn a page, so you can focus on content - without worrying about the physics!
- You must have Adobe After Effects to use this template. Compatible with versions CS5 and all later versions. No plug-ins required. Last update: 8/6/2021.
- Render times are significant because of the many high-resolution 3D layers. Render time depends on the speed of your computer, the number of pages in your book, and the duration of your animation. This template is best suited for animations that are a few minutes or less. For a three-minute animation, your video may need to render overnight. Template users should follow the tips in the instructions (inside the template) to make the template run faster. By following all the tips, most users will be able to preview the animation in real time.
- Many After Effects beginners purchase this template and successfully create their animation by following the tutorials. However, some basic knowledge of After Effects (interface and keyframing, in particular) would be beneficial before using this template. There are thousands of After Effects tutorials online. If you are unsure about your ability to edit this template, please watch the video tutorial before you decide.
- While you can add unlimited pages theoretically, the maximum recommended number of pages is about 50 (25 sheets).
- This book can be animated to open from left to right, or right to left (for RTL languages).
- Not sure which 3D book to purchase? You can get them all for just $20 more by choosing the bundle option at the top of the page. The bundle will give you access to more 3D scenes to put your book in, more artwork and images, more pre-designed pages that you can easily customize, and a square book format as well as the letter-size format. When you purchase the bundle, you will receive three unique links for downloading each template. Start with the project file that is closest to what you are creating. To access the features of the other project files, go to File, then Import, the File..., and choose the other .aep files to import them into your current project.
- The Custom 3D Book templates are "universalized", so the templates will work in After Effects running in any language.
- Comps are HD, 1920x1080. Any resolution will work (simply change the resolution of the main comp), but a 4k animation would add significant time to the render time.
- The music in the preview videos is not included. The composer has taken the song off the market so it is no longer for sale.
- All images and design elements shown in the preview video are included in the template.
Some notes about book functionality and limitations (this may apply if you plan on moving the book around or want to create new, complex animations):
You can turn the book's front and back covers and each page separately using individual slider controls, which can be keyframed. You can move and rotate the entire book in 3D space while it is closed, but not while pages are open - or the pages will become distorted. However, you can move the camera around to view the book from any angle while it is open or closed, and it will maintain the correct perspective. You can also avoid the page distortion by turning off the "page-bend" effect, making the pages rigid. This will allow you to rotate the 3D book while it is open (without moving the camera).
The Custom 3D Book templates are not plugins. They are Adobe After Effects project files, commonly known as "templates" because the work is already done and the user needs only to insert their footage and make their own adjustments. These templates are compatible with version CS5 as well as all later versions of After Effects.
A transcript of the video tutorial can be found in the Help section.
Because the Custom 3D Book templates contain copyrighted intellectual property in the form of their code, the sharing or online posting of project files with or for anyone other than a client is prohibited. See the Terms and Conditions for more details.
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