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Glowing organisms with black background and "Micro for AE."


Micro allows users to create realistic microscopic animations in Adobe After Effects. This effect simulates what a scientist sees under a microscope, giving you the choice of species, and control over how it moves or behaves. Just drop in a microorganism, and instantly generate an animation—each organism will have their own random, realistic movements.

Viruses, amoebas, parasites, bacteria, DNA, atoms, worms, germs, and sperms! They’re all included. Or, use a stock photo of your microbe, and use the effects to bring it life. Best of all, the animations from the demo video are included! So if you need an organism that self-replicates, multiplies, attacks another organism, dies, gets injected with a needle, or any of the other micro-scenarios in the video... just swap out the microorganism and the work is done!

    • Last update: 10/13/2024. This template is compatible with Adobe After Effects, versions 2019 and up. Works on both Mac and PC. No plugins required.
    • All main comps are HD, 1920x1080. You can convert to 4K or other resolutions by changing dimensions of main comps, precomps, and solid layers (brief instructions in tutorial).
    • This template has been “universalized” to work in After Effects running in other languages.
    • Detailed instructions are found throughout the template, as well as in the video tutorial.
    • These effects are designed to imitate the microscopic world as seen through a microscope. It is not for making 3D animations.
    • The included DNA effect lets you customize the basic width, shape, and colors. It is a 2D effect, but it spins in a way that makes it appear 3D. You can not rotate the DNA in three dimensions.
    • The included Coronavirus effect is made from a 2D image of the virus. It is best used to create low-quality, grainy animations that more closely resemble real footage than the typical 3D animations you see on TV.
    • Music in demo video not included.


    The Micro template is not a plugin, so there is nothing to install. Rather, it's an After Effects project file, commonly known as a "template" because most of the work is already done and the user needs only to make their own customizations. This template is compatible with version CC 2019 as well as all later versions of After Effects.

    The animations you create with this product are yours and can be used for commercial purposes, but the sharing or online posting of project files with or for anyone other than a client is prohibited. See the Terms and Conditions for more details. All images and video clips in this template are from the public domain (Creative Commons CC0 license).

    CDC / Public Health Image Library (PHIL)
    Wikimedia Commons

    Positive and/or negative feedback is appreciated. Use the contact page to send me a message.

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