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Blurry reels in background with "Movie Projector Intro AE."

Movie Projector Intro

The Movie Projector Intro template allows you to create a custom film projector animation in Adobe After Effects. Your footage, text, or logo is projected onto a screen, and the included old-film effects give your content an old-fashioned film-look.

Designed to give you maximum control and creative freedom, this template includes multiple background environments to choose from, a variety of preset camera movements (or create your own), and customizable old-film effects.

At this template’s core is a high-quality 3D model of an antique film projector, which you can view from any angle in After Effects, without ever opening Cinema 4D.

    • Compatible with Adobe After Effects, versions CC 2019 and up (free with your Creative Cloud subscription). Works on both Mac or PC. No plugins required.
    • Important Warning and Information About Rendering: The pre-rendered clips included in the template will allow you to quickly render an animation like the one in the demo video. However, if you would like to use different camera angles or movements, you will need to render the included 3D models (c4d files, created in Cinema 4D, which comes with After Effects CC). The final HD render of these models will take very long – roughly 30 minutes per 1 second of animation (estimate based on a 25-minute average render time with Cinema 4D's "Standard" renderer, on a 4.2 GHz Intel Core i7 iMac with 64GB RAM). Times will vary depending on your system. Rendering overnight or over the weekend may be necessary. Also included in the template are C4D files that use Cinema 4D's "Physical" renderer. These are higher quality, and take about three times longer to render.
      FYI: The pre-rendered clips (the first six clips shown in the demo video) were rendered with the Physical renderer. All other clips in the demo were rendered with the Standard renderer. Both are high quality, and most people won't notice a difference, but "Standard" renders may have subtle noise, or "twinkling" pixels on certain parts of the model. Note that when working with c4d files in After Effects, you can lower the quality of the 3D models, allowing you to work faster and preview your animation. However, you will need to increase the quality for your final render. The video tutorial shows you everything you need to know about rendering.
    • This template includes both HD (1920x1080) and 4K (4096x2160) comps. The 4K option is not recommended unless absolutely necessary, because of the render times.
    • The 3D projector and screen were modeled in Cinema 4D specifically for this template. You won’t need to ever open Cinema 4D to customize this template.
    • True depth of field is not possible with this 3D model, so the projector will always be 100% in focus. However, a feature has been built in to the template that allows you to simulate DOF by subtly blurring the background and screen.
    • The included background images were obtained from, and are free to use for both non-commercial and commercial use, no attribution required, under the Pixabay license. If you prefer, you can easily replace the floor, wall, and ceiling images with your own images.
    • Music and footage placeholder in demo video not included.
    • The file size is quite large (1.1 GB), because of the included pre-rendered footage. Please allow plenty of time when downloading.
    • This template has been "universalized", meaning it will work in After Effects running in other languages.


    The Movie Projector Intro template is not a plugin. It's an Adobe After Effects project file, commonly known as a "template" because the work is already done and the user needs only to insert their footage and make their own adjustments. This template is compatible with version CC 2019 as well as all later versions of After Effects.

    Because the Movie Projector Intro template contains copyrighted intellectual property, the sharing or online posting of project files with or for anyone other than a client is prohibited. See the Terms and Conditions for more details.

    Positive and/or negative feedback is appreciated. Use the contact page to send me a message.

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